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The greek orthodox town of Breb, Romania celebrates St. Peter's day with a parade through the town in order to bless the fields for a good farming season on June 29, 2014. St. Peter was persecuted on June 29 and is one of Christianity's oldest festivals going back as far as the fourth century.
Maricica Bladea, a 16 year-old from a small town near the Maramures mountains, participates in the St. Peter's Day parade with her friends and neighbors who she has grown up with all her life.
Breb's younger generation stands outside the church during mass because there is not enough room inside.
Every Sunday the locals dresses in hand-made traditional clothing that has been passed down from generations when attending mass.
Illiana Bladea, Marii's maternal grandmother, picks vegetables in their field behind their house. These vegetables will be used to feed the pigs later on.
Marii, her mother Viorica and Iliana turn the hay in their field to dry. Summer and fall are considered hay season in Breb, Romania and haymaking is the only job most families have during this time.
Marii takes a break from turning hay to talk to a friend on her cell phone. Cell phones are more popular amongst the younger generation in Breb, Romania where the older generations have little to no knowledge about technology.
Viorica and Iliana Bladea relax in a pile of hay as they take a break from working. The two had been piling hay to dry since sunrise and would be working till sunset in Breb, Romania.
Taking the laundry from the clothes line to fold and put away. "I don't mind doing chores," Marii said, "I enjoy having things clean."
Viorica and Iliana milk the cows. This is one chore that Marii is not as familiar with, spending as her mother and grandmother have her spend most of her time cleaning the house.
Marii sits in the kitchen texting on her cellphone while her mother, Viorica, makes dinner for St. Peter's Day on June 29. Families often spend an entire day preparing for the next day's holiday.
Marii is excited to see her four-year-old cousin, Alina, and holds her in an embrace. Although she only lives minutes from her extended family, she is always glad when she gets to see them. During the school year Marii must commute to her high school in Sighet, a 30-minute drive from Breb, leaving little time for anything but her studies.
Marii walks to her paternal great-grandmother's house to visit, something she does a couple of times a week. "My family is very happy because they are happy to see me," said Marii. She is glad to have her entire family to support her in her decision to go to college and eventually move away from Breb.
Babuta Bladea looks adoringly upon her granddaughter, Marii. Babuta is a family woman. With a lot of children and grandchildren Babuta surrounds herself with the love from the people close to her.
Viorica and Iliana help Marii dress in traditional clothing for church in celebration of St. Peter. On special occasions, village women and girls wear the traditional starched white cotton blouse trimmed in lace in addition to the traditional flowered skirt that they wear to church every Sunday.
Marii's grandmother, Illiana, helps her add the finishing touches to her skirt before they leave for the St. Peter's Day parade and mass on June 29, 2014. Marii would not be able to have her cell phone with her the rest of the day due do her traditional clothing not having any pockets, and texted with her friends to coordinate where they would meet at the church.
Marii, Iliana and Viorica head to Breb's Greek Orthodox Church for the St. Peter's Day mass. They, like the other villagers, create footpaths through the fields to use as a shortcut.
The priest blesses Marii by tapping her atop the head with a bouquet of dried basil soaked in holy water as she kisses the cross he holds in his other hand.