Work Report
This project was very difficult for me to work on. It was hard to find a visually and audibly interesting approach for a story on tomatoes but I think it turned out well. It is not completely finished yet, however. I still plan to shoot more before it is published in the Columbia Missourian on May 20.
During my work on this project I learned that I need to improve on my audio skills. I have constantly had technical difficulties that have frustrated me into realizing I should be more prepared for these kinds of things. I should look at nat sound the way I look at detail images but I often lose track of what to get while juggling various forms of media.
Another thing I realized about my video skills is that I often shoot them like a picture. That is, I work on them as if they are a moving frame instead of cinematically. This is mostly because of my training as a photojournalist and working in a newsroom setting.
It took me a long time to think of a format to edit this story in. I tried various techniques before settling on jumping from detail to detail while getting a sense of place but keeping the reader interested. I believe this fast pace will help the viewer not get bored throughout the video. Another tactic I used was stating my most powerful quote first. It leaves you wondering what she's talking about as Becky describes how she thought she had let down her family.
Overall I am happy with what I was able to accomplish in the time frame I was given. However, I know I could have done a better job with more time and opportunity to evaluate my work.